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Chakra Essential Oil Kit

100% Pure Essential Oil Blends

A message from jennine

Jennine is a modern mystic and gifted holistic healer with a deep passion for aromatics, frequency and the world beyond the stars.  

With years of experience and a keen sense of intuition, the heart and emphasis of Jennine's work is helping people create a life filled with more joy, love, inner peace and forgiveness. Being a Master Teacher of Usui Reiki and Seichim, Crystal Healing Practitioner, StellarWaves Crystal Light PureWave Master Healer, Certified Aromatherapist, Soul Intuitive and Soul Energy Alignment Healer Jennine loves the connection between frequency, vibration and our energy centres (our Chakras) and being able to integrate the art of aromatherapy into her healing.

Use this beautiful kit of Pure Essential Oil blends in your favourite Aroma Diffuser, and/or during your Meditation practice, sacred space or healing room. 

Aromatic Blessings  

Channel more confidence, creativity, and joy in your life with a basic understanding of your body’s energy centres. Start by thinking of chakras as a blueprint for your own self-care. A good way to think of your chakra energy is like a series of connected pools in a creek — sometimes the circular flow of a pool can become blocked or slow down because of things that fall in. The same applies to each swirling chakra. By addressing the blockages and living a happy and healthy lifestyle, Energy will flow between them and balance will return to your life. Using your Chakras to influence your body in a healthy way can help you bring a feeling of balance to your life and help you achieve much more. Chakra balancing takes time and practice of getting to know your body and reading signs that you may need to rebalance certain energy centres. But once you are more in tune to your needs, the possibilities for a happier and healthier life are well within your reach! Pure Essential Oils connect beautifully with our Chakras

 The First Chakra, the Root Chakra, is located at the base of your spine and its energy flow works in sync with your lower digestive system and legs as well as being your seat of spiritual connectedness. This Chakra is said to connect you with the energy of the Earth and is associated with feelings of stability, grounding, and safety. 

 The Second Chakra is called the Sacral Chakra. Located in your groin and lower abdominal area, the energy from this chakra directs mainly to the sex organs. When this chakra is open and healthy, it enhances your creativity and improves your sexual health and relationships. 

 The Third Chakra spins between your diaphragm and bellybutton and it is called your Solar Plexus Chakra. This energy source connects with your digestion system and the core muscles in your abdomen. 

 The Fourth Chakra is located in the middle of your chest and spins its energy into your heart and lungs, making it your Heart Chakra. Your heart is an extremely powerful muscle that uses the energy to help express compassion, empathy, joy and love. When you have an open Heart Chakra it will help you to experience joyful love, both for yourself and others. 

 The Fifth Chakra is called your Throat Chakra and is located at the base of your neck, sharing energy with your esophagus, tongue, and throat. This is your communication Chakra — verbally through sound as well as through other forms of expression like facial and body language. 

 The Sixth Chakra lies between your eyes in the centre of your forehead and is called your Third Eye Chakra. This energy centre focuses on the brain and brainstem to stimulate your thought patterns and increase your spiritual vision. The energy flow that runs through this area is important to promote higher understanding and wisdom, intuition and perception. 

 The Seventh Chakra is the unique energy centre that inhabits the area directly above the top of your head and is called your Crown Chakra. This Chakra promotes higher consciousness and deeper levels of enlightenment. It is this chakra that serves as your spirit and connects all of the other chakras together in order to maintain proper health and energy flow throughout you. Opening this chakra can be done through meditation and conscious effort to channel higher spirits and pranas from the universe.  

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    Avalon InLa'Kesh: Jennine

    Jennine has always been drawn to the mystical and spiritual. After studying reiki, seichim and other spiritual practices in depth, Jennine began offering healings and reading services to clients in her community, quickly building a reputation as a compassionate and insightful guide. 

    Today, Jennine works with clients from all over the world, plus collaborates with other like-minded souls to bring a variety exciting projects to life. Her philosophy is to your awaken your senses and nurture your soul. Her aim is for you to feel a deep sense of serenity - mindfulness calm as we all discover our own journey to Spiritual Wellness and Blessed Harmony. 

    Jennine creates her own range of Essential Oil Blends through her Avalon Aromachologie brand plus is a passionate Brand Ambassador for LumiVitae and Silk Oil of Morocco. 

    Jennine is now concentrating on bringing beautiful Oracle and Affirmation Cards to life and to the Earth CommUnity. 

    Jennine brings her unique blend of wisdom, intuition, and care to every interaction.